Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Song Review: Shake It Off

My hands have been itching to write this post since I first heard this song...

With Secondhand Serenade being one of my all time favorite bands, my first instinct was to get my hands on this song ASAP, so I bought it off iTunes the instant I could... Only to be pleasantly surprised by Secondhand Serenade.

It seems like Secondhand Serenade has ditched their usual acoustic sounds (momentarily) and moved on to something more upbeat, more... pop.

It's not a bad thing. Shake It Off is a really refreshing song with upbeat yet relaxing beats that makes me start singing along to it the moment I started listening. I think Secondhand Serenade has really shown their growth in this song. Or perhaps their versatility in music.

Shake It Off was a really unexpected turn from Secondhand Serenade's usual songs, and it shows us a different side of the band. Plus it shows how versatile John Vesely's voice is (not that I didn't already believe in John's talents...)

That said, here's what I think of the song:
 I swear this rating is not my bias self speaking. (Not much anyway) I mean, I'd listen to Shake It Off on repeat even if I wasn't a HUGE fan of Secondhand Serenade.

Hey. They made me, picky music junkie, place Shake It Off on repeat, and made me sway and sing along to this song on a rainy day. I think that's a pretty feat. Don't you?

Besides, when you hear the reasons behind this change of pace in Vesely's music, I think you'd start to love this song more. I mean, that's what happened to me. Personally, I feel that music that reflects your current state of mind will always be the best music. So, it's great that Vesely's moving on to happier days. (That's what fans would want, right?)

Besides, what's not to love in this new single by a humble band?
There's no need to hope John... I LOVE it beyond words! (Half the time, attitude counts!)

This song is beyond amazing and on repeat infinitely... at least for now. (But I don't see myself getting bored of it anytime soon... In fact, I think I'm falling more in love with this song as I listen to it!)

PS. The last time such a phenomenon happened to me was when Maroon 5 released Payphone.

Anyway, enjoy the song, and remember to support it by downloading it on iTunes:

xoxo pamela

Reference: Alternative Addiction

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